How the Blome Castle Was Built

The Blome Castle governor Šalipants was famed as a ruthless lord.

His serving folk were put to sundry torments and often they were lashed in front of the castle.

When the new Blome Castle was being raised, all folk had to share in the labour – big and small, young and old alike.

Even mothers with their nurslings still suckling at their teat were forced to work along.

Day or night, Šalipants commanded the people to keep carrying the stones. 

Who refused, they were flogged without mercy.

Those wives who had not weaned their bairns yet were given a leave to feed girls twice per day and boys thrice per day.

Many folk perished upon building that castle.

Those are the souls wandering the castle grounds upon midnight hour and banging the doors and causing great fright among the castle dwellers.


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