Vilce Grieving

There once was a housematron who had her own vilce, and the housematron then died. The housemaster yoked a cart to drive into town and to buy a coffin. It was only the hand-maid waiting to the housemaster’s return in the household, and the farm-hand, as well. Well into the night, the housemaster was yetContinue reading “Vilce Grieving”

Two Vilces

One housemaster had two vilces. One vilce was crouching on the granary loft and that vilce bore the looks of a black dog. The other vilce slumbered daily on the butter churn – shaped as the largest, the blackest snake. Whenever the housemaster entered his granary, not a sound those two vilces made. When theContinue reading “Two Vilces”

Vilce as a Black Snake

The old ‘Kāsīši’ household in the Vijciems lands had its housemaster by the name of Dūcis, and that housemaster was in possession of his own vilce. One time, when the threshing shed had been stacked full of crops, the hand-maid looked out of the window and there she saw a mighty large and red creatureContinue reading “Vilce as a Black Snake”

Of Vilce’s Appearance

In the neighbouring household, the housemaster had his own vilce. Oft the vilce was spotted running*. One time, the vilce was running back to their household. Low in the air she ran and she had the bearings of a blackish hound but thin the vilce was and longer than any dog. Vilce had her headContinue reading “Of Vilce’s Appearance”

The Latvian Vilce Tales

Index Of Vilce’s Appearance Vilce as a Black Snake Two Vilces Vilce Grieving Note: In the Latvian folklore, vilce is often mentioned as possessive of similar qualities and performing similar tasks to those of the dragon (pūķis) (see The Latvian Dragon Tales). These two denominations have frequently been used almost interchangeably – as synonyms. ButContinue reading “The Latvian Vilce Tales”

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