The Secrets of the Mujāni Old Castle

In the Mujāni manor orchard – the ruins of the old castle can be found. 

One tower alone is left standing and that tower is called the white tower. 

Behind the tower, on the roadside, there is a steep mound. 

The mound has been built over and, on that mound, the manor’s granary is found.

Yet that mound holds the old castle cellar and in that cellar – treasures of the Swedish kings have been stored and many ancient war weapons.

Once upon a time, they wished to plant trees on that mound and the workers were digging the pits when they pushed against hard gravel.

One of the men struck at the gravel with an iron pole and the gravel collapsed revealing a large hole.

The hole exuded foul stench forcing one of the diggers to swoon.

The lord of the manor arrived and he ordered for the hole to be filled and the workers obeyed the lord’s bidding.

Soon enough, the digger who had fainted, regained his senses, as well.

Not far from that mound, there is another tower which has its side tumbled.

That tower exhibits many caverns.

Some of the caves have been walled up but some have remained open.

One of the caves leads out to the shrubland by the ‘Kaļķi’ shed.

Half a verst* from the shrubland, there lies a burial hill where human bones have been found in abundance.

Around midday – the twelfth hour – that place is known to be haunted.

Out of the burial hill – a headless man rises.

The man can never be seen by more folk than one at a time.

One day some boys walked over there to pluck grasses. 

One of the boys spotted the dreadful apparition and he pointed at the headless man for the others to behold the wight, as well, but it was nothing the other boys saw.

The boy never again saw the headless man thereafter, either.


*Verst – a historical unit of measurement, approximate to 1.07 km or 0.7 miles.

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